Broken Fellowship

  1. 3. In Genesis 3:22, how long would man have lived if he ate from the tree of life?
  2. 4. For what purpose did the LORD God send Adam forth from the garden in Genesis 3:23?
  3. 7. From where did the LORD God send Adam forth in Genesis 3:23?
  4. 8. Where was Adam to till the ground according to Genesis 3:23?
  5. 9. What did the LORD God make for Adam and his wife in Genesis 3:21?
  1. 1. Who said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" in Genesis 3:22?
  2. 2. In Genesis 3:22, what did the LORD God say man has come to know?
  3. 4. Who were made coats of skins by the LORD God in Genesis 3:21?
  4. 5. What was the flaming sword meant to keep in Genesis 3:24?
  5. 6. What did God place at the east of the garden of Eden in Genesis 3:24?