
  1. 4. condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin
  2. 9. genetic condition where male is born with an extra x chromosome
  3. 10. enlarged thyroid
  4. 11. female reproductive organ
  5. 14. abnormal cell division
  6. 15. hormone producing gland
  7. 17. a hormone secreting tumor that occurs in adrenal glands
  8. 18. abnormal growth if hands, feet, and face.
  9. 19. when a mans production of testosterine is inhibited
  10. 20. disease thyroid overproduces hormones
  1. 1. condition that effects how the body processes blood sugar
  2. 2. any condition negatively effecting the heart
  3. 3. decline of reproductive hormone in women
  4. 5. cancer that forms in the thyroid
  5. 6. high blood pressure
  6. 7. overproduction of thyroxine hormone
  7. 8. medical condition where bones are brittle and fragile
  8. 12. rare kidney cancer
  9. 13. when a woman is born with only one x chromosome
  10. 16. disease where the bodies ability to produce insulin is inhibited