BTG Lawyer puzzle

  1. 2. Negligence by a professional as a breach of duty of care
  2. 7. Latin term for an unwelcome duty often linked to negligence
  3. 10. Type of testator's will, handwritten and signed
  4. 11. Proceedings held before trial to simplify the issues
  5. 13. HAGUE International tribunal location for war crimes
  6. 15. Informal term for a lawyer
  7. 16. Initials of the legislation that established American federal environmental regulations
  8. 17. The person who files a lawsuit
  9. 19. Law that regulates the structure and enforcement of contracts
  10. 20. Document detailing the terms of an agreement
  11. 21. An agreement between two parties that creates mutual legal obligations
  12. 22. Relating to the sea and maritime navigation
  13. 24. A legal wrong or breach of duty leading to civil legal liability
  14. 25. OF RIGHTS The first ten amendments to the US Constitution
  15. 26. Legal principle meaning "let the decision stand"
  1. 1. Judge’s direction to a jury about the applicable law in a case
  2. 3. Type of lawyer who primarily performs transactional work
  3. 4. A court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action
  4. 5. CASE Type of lawsuit where one party sues another for personal harm
  5. 6. Word describing an agreement or contract that is enforceable by law
  6. 8. Legal doctrine that allows a person to use reasonable force in self-defense
  7. 9. The ability of a court to hear and decide a case
  8. 12. The legal right to use a property owned by another
  9. 14. Action to recover possession of property
  10. 18. Surname of the Supreme Court justice who became the first African-American on the Court
  11. 19. The body of law concerning crimes and offenses
  12. 23. Right of a government to take private property for public use, with compensation