
  1. 4. Teaches gym
  2. 8. Your school
  3. 10. Teaches art
  4. 11. School starts in ___.
  5. 13. You take this assessment 3 times every school year
  6. 14. Ms. Johnson’s BFF
  7. 15. School supplies go here
  8. 17. Some children ride to school on a ___.
  9. 18. The school secretary works here
  10. 19. You write with this
  1. 1. You bring this back and forth to school every day
  2. 2. You must read ____ minutes every night.
  3. 3. Usually happens before or after lunch
  4. 5. Your previous grade
  5. 6. You color with these
  6. 7. school starts at ___a.m.
  7. 9. Principal
  8. 12. Your new grade
  9. 14. Teaches reading, writing, math, science, and social studies
  10. 16. Place where you eat lunch