BTT Oral phase

  1. 6. the teacher presents the lesson situation to the class
  2. 8. students learn to use the new material in a variety of situations
  3. 9. the teacher has students memorize the lesson dialogue as a way to internalize it
  4. 10. students extend their abilities to use the new vocabulary and structures that they have acquired from the lesson to different kinds of situations
  1. 1. the teacher explains and/or help sudents discover the meaning of the new vocabulary and structures in the lesson situation
  2. 2. the teacher shows the video to the class and has students repeat what they hear in chorus
  3. 3. students do oral exercises that deal with the structures that may present difficulties in the lesson in order to achieve automatism
  4. 4. the teacher has students individually repeat the WG in the dialogue
  5. 5. the inhibiting effect of native language habits on the acquisition of a foreign language
  6. 7. the teacher has students review the material taught in previous lessons through questions and suggested activities