
  1. 2. riddles to confound the mind and help lead to enlightenment
  2. 3. a "school" of Buddhism favored by many in the West; Buddhahood must be experienced
  3. 5. the "blowing out" of the flames of craving that tie us to suffering and death
  4. 9. the three baskets of the Buddhist sacred text
  5. 10. form of Buddhism developed in Tibet; majority of Buddhists in the US
  6. 11. marks out an entire pattern of life to eliminate suffering
  7. 13. subject of the first public sermon of the Buddha after his enlightenment
  8. 14. seated meditation
  9. 17. the basis of Buddhism is the understanding that life is _________
  10. 18. name for the "enlightened one" - Siddhartha Gautama; one of the 3 jewels
  11. 20. another name for Buddhist scriptures
  12. 21. a community living the righteous life; one of the 3 jewels
  13. 22. term for the Buddha of the future
  14. 24. a Buddhist "saint"; one deserving reverence; at the fourth stage leading to Nirvana
  15. 25. a Buddhist shrine built in the form of a mound pointing upward and housing a relic of the Buddha
  1. 1. "The Great Raft" branch of Buddhism; practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Nepal
  2. 4. condition achieved by Gautama during his meditation under the bodhi tree; the goal of Buddhism
  3. 6. teachings of Buddha; one of the 3 jewels
  4. 7. a term for sudden Enlightenment
  5. 8. spiritual and temporal leader of Tibetan Buddhism; chosen and trained at childhood
  6. 12. one who has reached "Buddhahood"; renounces Nirvana to help all creatures become enlightened
  7. 15. Japanese term for another Buddha popular in Mahayana Buddhism
  8. 16. the country of Buddhist and Hindu origins
  9. 19. name given to Buddhism monks
  10. 23. The Way of the Elders; Orthodox Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia