Buffers and electrolytes

  1. 2. buffering system of respiratory system
  2. 3. made in hypothalamus causes water reabsorption
  3. 5. Vitamin D3 derivative in calcium regulation
  4. 6. negative log of hydrogen ion concentration
  5. 8. filtration membrane endothelium with large pores
  6. 10. predominate intracellular cation
  7. 13. from adrenal glands stimulated by angiotensin II
  8. 16. arteriole entering glomerulus
  9. 17. converted by ACE made in lungs (and kidneys)
  10. 19. buffer and in nucleotides
  11. 21. from kidney converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
  1. 1. hormone made in atria of heart (2 words)
  2. 3. made by liver
  3. 4. capillary network in Bowman's capsule
  4. 7. Where reabsorption occurs
  5. 9. from kidney induce red blood cell formation
  6. 11. waste product from protein catabolism
  7. 12. Renal autoregulation apparatus
  8. 13. protein osmolarity in blood
  9. 14. excess fluid in tissues
  10. 15. tubes from kidneys to bladder
  11. 18. renal corpuscle and tubule filtering unit
  12. 20. predominate cation in blood plasma