Building Vocabulary

  1. 3. sentences, involves listing key vocab, eliciting sentences, verifying (by reading), evaluating, and creating new sentences
  2. 4. "foot and a half" or very long words
  3. 8. 'knight' and 'night' are example of a ______________
  4. 9. ______________ language is language that should not be taken literally
  5. 10. ______________ organizers help students build relationships among words
  1. 1. a word's implied meaning
  2. 2. one's ability to read, write, and speak accurately while showing understanding
  3. 5. _______________ instruction was created by the adaptation of two popular approaches to teaching vocabulary
  4. 6. words, words such as 'the, of, and them' that appear in printed material with a high rate of occurrence
  5. 7. 'foot' (12 inches or a body part connected to a leg) is an example of a _____________