Bullying Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The "E" in "SAFE" stands for "End it ____".
  2. 4. What does the "H" stand for in "HERO"?
  3. 7. The "S" in "SAFE" stands for "Stand ____".
  4. 8. Bullies can call you ____.
  5. 10. If you see bullying, do not be a _____.
  6. 12. Bullying can be physical or ___.
  7. 13. Bullying can be done by an individual or ___.
  8. 15. A bully is identified not how they look, but rather by their ___.
  9. 16. This acronym is great to remember if you see bullying occuring.
  10. 17. Being a bully makes you a smaller person. Helping others makes you a __ person.
  11. 18. If you are bullied, tell an ___.
  1. 1. What does the "E" stand for in "HERO"?
  2. 3. The "O" in "HERO" stands for___ communication.
  3. 4. The "A" in "SAFE" stands for "Ask for ____".
  4. 5. Bullies can get you in ___.
  5. 6. Bullying online is called ___ bullying
  6. 9. What acronym reminds us how to act if you are bullied?
  7. 11. ____ someone from a group is a form of bullying.
  8. 14. What does the "R" stand for in "HERO"?