Burning Crosword

  1. 3. The firehouse is a _________.
  2. 6. Beatty and Montag used ________ to burn all the book that needed to be burned.
  3. 7. Clarisse was __________ when she learned that her generation only burned books and not read them.
  4. 8. Mildred receives a ______________ to calm herself down.
  5. 13. When the kerosene touched the books, the books would __________.
  6. 14. Beatty is a person with an attitude of ______.
  7. 15. The fireman constantly have to ____ threw the crowd to get to the place they need to be.
  1. 1. The fireman ______ to the house that had books inside to burn.
  2. 2. Mildred was in great shock when Montag pulled out several books from the __________ ______.
  3. 4. The reader of Fahrenheit 451 will be ___________ when they read the first chapter.
  4. 5. It was not __________ that Montag and Beatty had to burn books.
  5. 9. Ripped pieces of cloth is called _______.
  6. 10. The man who saved Mildred had an _____ on his neck.
  7. 11. After burning the books the ____ was an incredible sight.
  8. 12. The books had an odd _________ to them.