  1. 1. A hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.
  2. 5. Fire spread minimized under prevailing conditions.
  3. 6. The outcome or impact of a bush fire event.
  4. 7. A fixed-wing aircraft that discharges fire retardant chemicals to limit fire spread.
  5. 8. The quality of being hot; high temperature
  6. 10. An unplanned fire, as opposed to a prescribed burn.
  7. 11. An access way with a primary purpose of providing access for fire fighting and fire management purposes.
  8. 12. The distance required through planning provisions to separate a building from the bush fire hazard, street frontage, property boundary or from adjacent buildings.
  1. 2. Small particles of burning material and in relation to bush fire are often moved around by wind and precede the main fire front.
  2. 3. The susceptibility of an asset to the impacts of bush fire.
  3. 4. The chance of a bush fire igniting and spreading.
  4. 9. A general term used to describe fire in vegetation, includes grass fire.