
  1. 1. Net Profit/Revenue
  2. 4. Current Capacity used/Total Capacity *100
  3. 5. Change in market sales/Old market sales *100
  4. 8. Units Produced/Employees
  5. 9. Number of staff leaving business/NUmber of staff employed * 100
  6. 10. Revenue - Cost of Sales
  7. 14. Operating Profit/Revenue
  8. 18. %change in demand/%change in price
  9. 19. Fixed Costs/Contribution per Unit
  10. 20. Sales of Business/Total Market Sales * 100
  11. 21. Operating Profit - Tax
  1. 2. Original Share Price * Shares Issued
  2. 3. Total Labour Costs/Units Produced
  3. 6. Gross Profit - Expenses
  4. 7. Number of days absent/Total working days * 100
  5. 11. Profit From Investment/Investment * 100
  6. 12. Number of Staff retained/Number of staff employed * 100
  7. 13. %change in demand/%change in income
  8. 15. Selling Price per unit-Variable cost per unit
  9. 16. Current Share Price * Shares Issued
  10. 17. Gross Profit/Revenue