- 3. something non essential for everyday life
- 5. an animal used for meat to eat
- 8. a collection of buyers and sellers
- 9. an activity that makes goods and services
- 11. a risk for example a mechanic mobile service
- 12. an essential item for survival
- 13. the price of an item chosen by suppliers and costumers
- 17. making your item look better then another for money
- 1. wheat and rice come from ____
- 2. items used or to make other items
- 4. an enterprise
- 5. a capital item to cut trees down
- 6. the process of using an item
- 7. when there are minimal items to go around
- 10. a labour ghat makes food like chickens or cows
- 14. The study of how we use scarce resources to satisfy our wants
- 15. an animal of the land used for clothes
- 16. the number of resource types we have