- 1. an invention or process protected by this right.
- 5. things which are desired.
- 6. the business engaged in by a bank.
- 7. an intagible and consequently cannot be possessed.
- 11. the sector of production refers to the provision of services.
- 14. a great deal of risk is involved in every aspect of commerce.
- 15. things like goods and it is tangible.
- 1. to buy.
- 2. things that are necessary.
- 3. a means of transporting,as a bus or truck.
- 4. the resources required for industrial production to obtaina desired output.
- 8. a general term for the sale, purchase and distribution of goods and services.
- 9. monetary resources and other assents.
- 10. a person who acquires goods and services for his or her own personal needs.
- 12. the solid ground of the earth and it includes the natural resources above or below the superface.
- 13. a mineral or natural product serving as a source of some nonmetallic substance, as sulfur.