
  1. 2. nessasary
  2. 3. responsible
  3. 5. target group to sell to
  4. 7. a company
  5. 9. unnecessary
  6. 11. private
  7. 14. changed product
  8. 15. a business
  9. 16. Looks at surroundings in new and different ways
  10. 17. operates a business
  11. 18. two bosses
  12. 20. financial institution
  1. 1. nonprofit
  2. 4. to help goes with goods
  3. 6. tangible
  4. 8. to make stuff tidy
  5. 10. roadmap
  6. 12. benefit/return
  7. 13. new product
  8. 19. a group or system