
  1. 3. the wide amount of skills you need for a business
  2. 5. adding new members to your business
  3. 6. set payment
  4. 11. obtain goods from outside supplier
  5. 14. keeping something up to date
  6. 15. given after person does something well
  7. 16. meeting half between two opposing opinions
  8. 17. arbitrator to resolve disputes
  9. 18. rewards that are related to cash
  10. 19. someone with interest in your business
  11. 20. obtaining an asset
  12. 22. process for when employee disagrees with employer
  13. 23. group of people who believe in power in numbers
  14. 25. designing a job
  1. 1. set skills you need for a business
  2. 2. meditating between two different parties
  3. 4. going different ways
  4. 7. unfair treatment due to race gender etc
  5. 8. help negotiate for the employer
  6. 9. monitoring a persons performance
  7. 10. ethics of a business
  8. 12. something buddhas do
  9. 13. part of the business to do with recruitment
  10. 21. action of doing something that results in change
  11. 24. being absent