
  1. 4. Doing physical work
  2. 6. A business run by an individual
  3. 7. You pay this every time you buy something at a store
  4. 8. Money you pay the government
  5. 9. Someone who works for an entrepreneur/business
  6. 12. Is employed for a specific time for a task
  7. 14. employees that work less then 38 hours per week
  8. 17. A business that has many different locationsI
  9. 18. The amount of money you earn
  10. 19. When you are low on a specific item
  11. 20. employees that work an average of 38 hours per week
  1. 1. Sells multiple items
  2. 2. The state of right of owning a business
  3. 3. Someone to perform an action for you on your behalf
  4. 5. Making a decision by sacrificing another opportunity
  5. 10. The owner of a business
  6. 11. when a person with GST trades something with another person who has GST
  7. 13. Makes items/products fastand efffast andy
  8. 15. A specific amount of money you can spend up to
  9. 16. A business run by 2 to 20 people