Business Activity

  1. 2. non-profit organisations
  2. 7. Business to business
  3. 9. Monetary return
  4. 10. Physical, tangible
  5. 12. business owned by 2 to 20 people
  6. 14. business is connected to the owner
  7. 17. Invisible, intangible
  8. 18. business to consumer
  9. 19. A share of profit paid to shareholders
  10. 20. Owned by individuals
  1. 1. individual or group that affects an organisation or is affected by it.
  2. 3. business owned by one person
  3. 4. paying part of the costs
  4. 5. people working towards a common interest
  5. 6. business that use money to benefit themselves
  6. 8. Owned by the government
  7. 11. the process of going public
  8. 13. examination of financial records
  9. 15. structures that help a country
  10. 16. business is seperate from the owner