Business Foundations Crossword
- 5. A party that has an interest in the company and can either impact or be impacted by the business.
- 8. An advantage of a private limited company.
- 10. A business objective that is expressed as a percentage of the total sales in an industry.
- 11. The maximum number of shareholders in a private limited company.
- 13. The income of social enterprises comes from ... not donations.
- 17. The transfer of authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee to carry out specific tasks.
- 18. This stakeholder wants a value for their money.
- 20. A management skill important for building relationships with key stakeholders.
- 21. A business with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 20 owners.
- 24. The extent to which a business achieves its stated objectives.
- 26. An advantage of this management style is that there is a larger pool of ideas to choose from.
- 27. A disadvantage of this management style is that it can be time-consuming when making final decisions.
- 28. A corporate culture which reflects the actual atmosphere of a company.
- 29. Refers to how well a business uses its resources to produce goods or services
- 30. This stakeholder wants a return on their investment.
- 1. When a business seeks to address customer needs that are not being met or are underrepresented by other businesses.
- 2. Many directors and managers that desire to have a positive impact on society find this business objective relatively important.
- 3. A management style with one way communication.
- 4. A public listed company is ... to set up and run in comparison to a sole trader, partnership or private limited company.
- 6. A feature of a sole trader.
- 7. A government-run business.
- 9. If employees are more ..., then consultative, participative, and laissez-faire management styles are more appropriate.
- 12. A business objective that businesses aim to increase by ensuring they generate more revenue than expenses.
- 14. This stakeholder is interested in a satisfactory work-life balance.
- 15. A business with one owner.
- 16. An advantage of this management style is that decisions can be made quickly.
- 19. If the nature of a task is ..., then autocratic and persuasive management styles may not be preferable.
- 22. This stakeholder is interested in the provision of jobs for the local community.
- 23. A management style with decentralised decision-making.
- 25. Official corporate culture can be reflected through a business' ....