Business management
- 1. someone who does a job
- 3. the place where you often work at a desk
- 5. something that you are trying to achieve, such as a total, an amount, or a time
- 6. a place where goods are sold to the public.
- 7. sheet a document showing a company’s financial position and wealth at a particular time,
- 8. an amount of money that you must pay to the government
- 10. someone who gives money to a company, business, or bank in order to get a profit
- 12. the state of being unable to pay your debts
- 13. an event at which people meet to discuss and decide things
- 15. something you have decided to do
- 19. the whole system of rules that people in a particular country or area must obey
- 20. to pay attention to what someone is saying
- 23. people or organizations try to be more successful than other
- 26. someone who buys something expensive such as a house or car
- 30. an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will do
- 31. to not succeed in achieving something
- 32. an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, organizations(Accord)
- 33. the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work
- 35. an electronic machine you use to do all your work
- 36. what you earn by working and can use to buy things
- 37. to make someone decide to do something, especially by giving them reasons
- 39. the quality of remaining faithful to your friends or your colleague
- 40. an increase in amount, number, or size
- 42. short sentence that companies use for advertising (Slogan)
- 43. call when you speak to someone on the telephone
- 1. a place on the Internet where you can find information about something,
- 2. A box with a thing in it sent by mail or delivered
- 4. the sets of programs that tell a computer how to do a particular job (logiciel)
- 9. to regularly pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone else
- 10. the start of an organization or institution (création)
- 11. the profession or work of keeping or checking financial accounts, calculating taxes etc
- 12. a business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services
- 14. spirit willingness to work as part of a team
- 16. someone who owns something
- 17. a job that lasts for a short time, that someone, does in order to gain experience
- 18. it is often missing in almost all shops
- 21. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics
- 22. service the department in a large organization that deals with questions and complaints from its customers
- 23. polite behaviour and respect for other people (politesse)
- 24. Person who builds
- 25. doing something new and better that existed before
- 27. the activity of deciding how to advertise a product
- 28. all the money that you have saved, especially in a bank
- 29. slip a small piece of paper that you are given in a shop when you buy something
- 34. a business organization that makes or sells goods or services
- 37. something that is grown or made in a factory in large quantities, usually in order to be sold
- 38. when you sell something
- 41. a level on a scale that shows how good, important, popular etc someone or something is (cote)