Business Mgmt Chapter 13

  1. 5. Carrying out the goals of business through utilization of the Internet
  2. 8. Allows virtually anybody to upload videos to the Internet, gives companies the opportunity to upload ads and informational videos about their products
  3. 11. Permit website operators ro track how often a user visits the site, for tracking
  4. 12. Uses all digital media, including the Internet and mobile and interactive channels, to develop communication and exchanges with customers
  5. 13. Text messages of 160 words or less, it's an effective way to send coupons to prospective customers
  6. 15. The ability for marketers to obtain digital information
  7. 16. Any attempt to conduct fraudulent activities online
  8. 17. Software programs that run on mobile devices and give users access to certain content
  9. 18. Takes SMS messaging a step further by allowing companies to send video, audio, photos, and other types of media over mobile devices
  10. 21. A web-based meeting place for friends, family, co-workers, and peers that lets users create a profile and connect with other users for a wide range of purposes
  11. 22. Using a counterfeit of a familiar website to deceive people into divulging private information
  12. 23. The ability for consumers to be connected with marketers along with other consumers
  13. 24. Electronic media that function using digital codes via computers, cellular phones, smart phones, and other digital devices that have been released in recent years
  14. 26. Built for mobile devices; one of the most popular is Foursquare, which lets users check in and share their location with others
  15. 27. An activity where companies offer to collect personal information from social networking sites and other forums
  16. 28. When criminals obtain personal information that allows them to impersonate someone else in order to use their credit to access financial accounts and make purchases
  17. 29. A web-based journal in which a writer can editorialize and interact with other Internet users
  1. 1. The ability of the marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase
  2. 2. Visual advertisements that appear on mobile devices; companies might choose to advertise through search engines, websites, or even games accessed on mobile devices
  3. 3. This involves using communities of interested consumers to gather input and feedback for marketing purposes
  4. 4. The ability of customers to express their needs and wants directly to the firm in response to its marketing communications
  5. 6. This government agency compiles an annual list of consumer complaints related to the Internet and digital media
  6. 7. Software that creates an interface that enables users to add or edit the content of some types of websites
  7. 9. Websites designed for mobile devices; mobile devices constitute 7% of web traffic
  8. 10. Using a smartphone, scan the code which contains a hidden message accessible with the app, opens the link, video, or image on the phone’s screen
  9. 14. Allows users to upload, edit, and share photos, opportunity for companies to market themselves visually by displaying snapshots of company events, staff, and/or products
  10. 19. An audio or video file that can be downloaded from the Internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers
  11. 20. A marketing tool that uses the Internet, particularly social networking and video sharing sites, to spread a message and create brand awareness
  12. 25. The customer's ability to regulate the information they view as well as the rate and expose to that information