Business Terms
- 3. An outline of something
- 4. An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved
- 6. An authorization granted by a government or company.
- 12. liability A liability that is limited to a partner or investor's investment.
- 13. An asset is usually purchased or, equivalently, a deposit in the bank.
- 16. The practice of using another firm's successful business model
- 17. Circumstances in which something is necessary or tat require something.
- 18. A business that provides banking services for profit.
- 20. Cash or goods used to generate income either by investing in a business or different income property.
- 1. capital Capital typically provided by outside investors for financing of new, growing, or struggling businesses.
- 2. One of a number of retail stores under the same ownership.
- 3. A financial gain.
- 5. plan Summary of how a business owner,manager intends to organize
- 7. union A non-profit co-operative financial institution that is owned and controlled by members.
- 8. skills Skills a person uses to interact with people.
- 9. A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets
- 10. An action or event marking significant change or stage in development.
- 11. Make smaller
- 14. Combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.
- 15. liability Refers to sole proprietorship and general partnerships in which the owner or partner are each liable for business debts.
- 16. institution Acts as an agent that provides financial services for its clients. Common types of financial institutions include banks, building societies, credit unions, stock brokerages, and similar business.
- 19. Have a desire to possess or do something.