Business vocabulary
- 1. money made after expenses are deducted
- 4. answer to problem or idea
- 6. things that you do for other people for a price
- 7. put forward a business idea
- 10. places and people who might buy from you
- 12. peson that you do business with; customer
- 14. money and equipment used to start a business
- 15. owing money to another person or business
- 17. discuss the details of a sale
- 18. person you work together with; co-owner
- 19. money available for an aspect of the business
- 2. physical parts of your company i.e. offices
- 3. when expenditure is greater than income
- 5. person or company selling in the same area
- 7. make your business know to others
- 8. provide for other people's use
- 9. the thing that you sell
- 11. agreement to buy from you
- 13. time limit for completing a project or tasks
- 16. the need or desire to have what you offer