Busy Work

  1. 2. what we're doing with Elaine and Alan when I get back
  2. 4. card game I suck at
  3. 7. first date spot
  4. 10. board game we never finished
  5. 11. game we play
  6. 12. month I was lucky enough to meet you
  7. 13. location of our second date
  8. 15. favourite baseball team
  9. 16. your character in Resident Evil 6 (and the name I scream when you get hit by a subway)
  10. 19. place for hiking
  11. 21. my zodiac sign
  12. 23. team we beat at our first live Jays game
  13. 24. dad's name
  1. 1. occasion for dinner at my parents
  2. 3. favourite beer
  3. 5. park we curled up in
  4. 6. inn we stayed at
  5. 8. what I feel for you
  6. 9. your zodiac sign
  7. 14. your Street
  8. 17. my character in Resident Evil 6 (and the name you scream when I get hit by a subway)
  9. 18. city I'm in right now
  10. 20. street I live on
  11. 22. your favourite food