Butterflies Unit 15

  1. 2. Darwin, Perth and Sydney are capital ______
  2. 5. a picture or view of something
  3. 8. calm, quiet, harmony
  4. 9. slanting
  5. 10. real life
  6. 11. someone who steals
  7. 12. to be given something
  8. 15. the opposite of expensive
  9. 18. animal
  10. 19. a part or portion
  11. 20. straight away
  12. 21. the opposite of falsely
  1. 1. purpose
  2. 2. a green, stick vegetable
  3. 3. to do something again
  4. 4. Greg was a _______ officer in Kalkaringi.
  5. 5. the opposite of quickly
  6. 6. grab hold of something
  7. 7. to mislead, trick or lie to someone
  8. 13. someone 'employed' at a work place
  9. 14. beneath
  10. 16. another word for the docket you get at the shop
  11. 17. your sister's baby girl