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  1. 3. Home place
  2. 7. make the boat move
  3. 8. Winter fun (2)
  4. 10. Purple singer
  5. 12. Have your back
  6. 14. Easiest way down
  7. 16. what you bring to chaos
  8. 17. Always an option for you
  9. 20. Love of my life (2)
  10. 21. favorite band
  11. 22. Foraging prize
  12. 25. Husband's nemesis
  13. 26. not small
  14. 27. kitty parts
  1. 1. Love of my life (3)
  2. 2. Old Bossman
  3. 4. Morning requirement
  4. 5. What’s that smell??
  5. 6. Where families roam
  6. 8. What you made for others
  7. 9. Summer fun (1)
  8. 11. What you help other people make
  9. 13. Love of my life (1)
  10. 15. not fake
  11. 18. Winter fun (1)
  12. 19. Families number
  13. 21. Our winter sweet spot
  14. 23. Summer fun (2)
  15. 24. wild ones are pretty