BV Vocab

  1. 3. A person who is dissatisfied, rebellious, and likely to complain or make trouble. Also, a group of settlers in Georgia who were dissatisfied with the Trustees' policies and rules of the new colony.
  2. 5. A translator and trader part of the Yamacraw Tribe who helped translate and trade between James Oglethorpe and Chief Tomochichi
  3. 6. Having a lot of different people or qualities
  4. 8. The chief of the Yamacraw Indians and helped James Oglethorpe establish the colony of Georgia
  5. 9. A condition in which a human owns another human to do the owner’s work and responsibilities
  6. 11. Military measures or resources for protecting a country or colony
  7. 12. Individuals or businesses that owe money to financial institutions or other individuals
  8. 14. A document that represented an agreement between the British parliament, The King, and James Oglethorpe to establish a settlement in Georgia
  9. 15. The action or process of establishing a colony or colonies in a place
  10. 16. An English settler who was the founder of the colony of Georgia and helped the working poor start a new life in the New World
  11. 17. Settlers who came from Scotland to Georgia to protect the colonies from Spain (Spain was located in Florida)
  1. 1. the desire to promote the welfare of others by donations of time, money, or property
  2. 2. German-speaking protestant refugees from Salzburg who immigrated to the Georgia colony to escape religious persecution
  3. 4. A colony whose purpose is to protect another colony from attacks, usually placed in the middle of the colony that is getting attacked and the colony that is attacking
  4. 7. An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  5. 10. A colony or any small community of people
  6. 13. The process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and purchased