By your side

  1. 1. The name of Autumn's best friend
  2. 3. The place where Autumn kept most of her pictures
  3. 5. The book Dax was reading
  4. 7. The amount of days they were trapped
  5. 10. The thing Autumn wanted to teach Dax
  6. 12. The thing Dax has on his left wrist
  7. 13. The place Dax and Autumn met yp, close to her house
  8. 14. The theme of the party Dallin throws for Autumn
  9. 15. The thing Dallin brought as a gift for Jeff
  10. 17. The thing Autumn left at the library
  11. 18. The chocolate bar Autumn and Dax got from the vending machine
  12. 19. The colour of Dax's sleeping bag
  1. 1. The thing Dax kept in his book
  2. 2. The card game Autumn taught Dax
  3. 4. Autumn's hobby
  4. 6. The thing they treasured as a memento of their stay at the library
  5. 8. The drink Autumn and other characters drank multiple times throughout the book
  6. 9. The pastry Autumn wanted to buy Dax after they got out of the library
  7. 11. The place where Autumn and her friends like to eat
  8. 16. The thing Autumn has but keeps a secret for her friends