Caden Leach 4.1.1

  1. 2. Forms DNA
  2. 4. The primary source of energy for our body
  3. 8. Causes Molecules to bond
  4. 9. Found in DNA and RNA
  5. 10. Needed to make ATP
  6. 12. Two Glucose molecules
  7. 14. A building block
  8. 18. Plant oils
  9. 19. polymer for Protein
  10. 20. When a nitrogen bonds with a carbon
  11. 21. 3 or more glucose molecules
  12. 23. How many main organic compounds are there?
  13. 25. anything that ends in "ose"
  1. 1. Forms polypeptides
  2. 3. Animal fat
  3. 5. Forms ATP
  4. 6. The secondary source of energy for our body
  5. 7. Monomer for Nucleic Acid
  6. 11. Example of Phospholipids
  7. 13. What are plant cell walls made of?
  8. 15. Its structure is shaped like the letter E
  9. 16. The monomer for a carb
  10. 17. support structure and transportation
  11. 22. The structure that building blocks create
  12. 24. Monomer for lipids