Caleb Bagi Chapter 12 Chipotle is bae

  1. 3. is a kind of virus that infects bacteria
  2. 6. the bases form the
  3. 8. DNA consists of two molecules that are arranged into ladder-like structure called
  4. 10. the principal enzyme involved in DNA replication
  5. 11. before a cell divides, it duplicates its dna in a copying process called
  6. 12. In DNA, thymine is complementary to
  7. 13. pyrimidines have how many rings
  8. 15. cytonine is complementary to
  1. 1. the phosphate and the sugar form the
  2. 2. one type of bacteria had been changed permanently into another.
  3. 4. a molecule of dna is made up of millions of tiny subunits called
  4. 5. Purines have how many rings
  5. 7. the tips of eukararyotic chromosomes are known as
  6. 9. this nearly perfect fit between A-T and G-C nucleotides
  7. 14. Short name for deoxyribonucleic acid