Call of the Wild Chapter Five Vocabulary

  1. 3. surplus, unneeded
  2. 4. important, chief, primary
  3. 5. tremble, shake, flutter
  4. 6. in the meantime
  5. 7. to beg; to request
  6. 9. miserable, unhappy
  7. 11. cumbersome; unmanageable
  8. 14. conveniences, comforts
  9. 15. gallant, gentlemanly
  10. 16. extended, lengthen
  11. 17. not fair; biased
  12. 18. stagger, stumble
  1. 1. coated with a protective layer
  2. 2. tired, bored, lacking enthusiasm
  3. 3. scruffy, messy
  4. 6. harmless, safe, not dangerous
  5. 8. coax, persuade
  6. 10. a mathematical calculation
  7. 12. to ask someone anxiously
  8. 13. debate, argument, squabble