call of the wild not kaleb

  1. 4. owned by the US but in Canada
  2. 5. an annoying woman/car
  3. 9. the line of sleds that take the mail
  4. 13. something related to winter
  5. 14. The place above the US
  6. 17. a season where it is cold
  7. 18. name of a boom town
  8. 19. a small dip in the ground or a large one
  9. 21. first name Judge, lives in the south
  1. 1. was put down because he could no longer pull the mail train
  2. 2. A big hole filled with water
  3. 3. a stationary living thing made of wood
  4. 6. the name of the book
  5. 7. got rabies
  6. 8. Buck killed him and took his role as leader
  7. 10. last name Thorton, Bucks final owner
  8. 11. The main character
  9. 12. the name of the boat Buck was taken on to the north
  10. 13. something that the dogs pull
  11. 15. a line of fast moving water
  12. 16. gold rush
  13. 20. a common creature often fed to the dogs