Cambridge American History Semester 1 Exam Part 2

  1. 3. The US rejected the Treaty of Versailles because they didn't want to get involved in the politics of this area
  2. 7. These groups use collective bargaining to get better working conditions and pay
  3. 8. Three amendments were passed after the Civil War to give this group more civil rights (2 words)
  4. 10. The book The Jungle exposed corruption and unsanitary conditions in this industry
  5. 15. This president created a 14-point plan for peace, including freedom of the seas, arms reduction and a league of nations
  6. 18. The idea of Popular Sovereignty meant states would vote on the _____ of slavery
  7. 19. The Gatling Gun, iron clad ships, torpedoes, rifles and these were used during the Civil War (2 words)
  8. 20. The alliance system, militarism, imperialism and this were causes of the First World War
  9. 23. This was the idea that United States will help neighboring countries have stable economies and governments (2 words)
  10. 26. This Union General used the strategy of Total War in his March to the Sea as they burned everything in their path
  11. 27. Bribing a government official
  12. 28. Great Britain, France and Serbia
  13. 30. When this happened quickly, it resulted in overcrowding in living quarters, violence in the cities and a decrease in farm production
  14. 31. This happened to President Andrew Johnson because Congress believed he vetoed too many laws punishing the South
  15. 32. This proclamation didn't actually free any slaves in the South but showed the president was against slavery in the Union
  16. 33. The United States established themselves as a world power from establishing new markets and a modern one of these
  1. 1. This style of newspaper reporting helped get the US to go to war against Spain in the Spanish-American War (2 words)
  2. 2. The Anaconda Plan was a Civil War strategy to divide this area
  3. 4. Lincoln's plan for bringing the Union back together after the Civil War
  4. 5. This movement by President Theodore Roosevelt helped to protect the natural wilderness
  5. 6. The Kansas Nebraska Act needed this vote to expand slavery into these territories (2 words)
  6. 9. Because of this and the publication of the book The Jungle, The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed
  7. 11. What many Northerners wanted to do to the South after they lost the Civil War
  8. 12. The United States annexed this area in its desire to become a world power
  9. 13. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe were, as they didn't believe in slavery
  10. 14. When one business has complete control of production and prices
  11. 16. The Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary (2 words)
  12. 17. The Roosevelt Corollary stated the government's desire to protect this area (2 words)
  13. 21. The Compromise of 1850 allowed its spread into the territories
  14. 22. This group wanted the government to work with farmers and workers more than with business owners
  15. 24. This idea was used by rich people to keep the government from regulating their businesses (2 words)
  16. 25. The weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles caused resentment between countries, and caused the US to follow this policy
  17. 29. There were many more of these in the late 1800s because of a rapidly growing population and natural resources