Cambridge Unit 27

  1. 5. Animals do not need to wear clothes because they ____ have fur which keeps them warm.
  2. 9. In June it doesn't get dark ____ 10 o'clock.
  3. 10. I have to ___ the football into the goal to score points
  4. 11. _____ is a game children play by throwing a stone onto squares drawn on the ground and jumping on the squares
  5. 13. Summer, winter, autumn, and _____ are all seasons
  6. 14. Animals _____ during the winter. This means they sleep for a long time to stay warm and use less energy
  7. 15. ____ means the middle area
  8. 18. The _____ season is the coldest season.
  1. 1. It doesn't ____ means it is not important
  2. 2. summer, winter, autumn, and spring are all ______s
  3. 3. ____ means very good or exciting
  4. 4. Many people must wear ____ clothes in the winter to keep warm.
  5. 6. Animals do not need to wear clothes ____ they already have fur which keeps them warm.
  6. 7. The _____ season is hot and sunny.
  7. 8. food, dance, and art are all special things that create _____ in a nation.
  8. 12. In the winter many homes have _____ machines to make the inside of their home warm.
  9. 16. The _____ season is chilly and cool but not as cold as winter
  10. 17. a ____ is a hard nut shell