Campaign and Elections Definitions

  1. 5. A statement of issues announced at party conventions
  2. 7. College The group of individuals who formally elect the United States president and vice-president
  3. 10. A person proposed by others for election to office
  4. 11. A form of government in which power is divided between one central power and several regional powers
  5. 12. An individual that is appointed or elected to represent others
  6. 14. A discussion between candidates held to address issues and campaign reforms
  7. 15. Mate A presidential candidate will choose another individual to run for vice president. This person is the president's running mate
  1. 1. An individual running for office in an election
  2. 2. An individual currently holding a position of office
  3. 3. The place where votes are cast. The term 'poll' is also used to describe a survey researching public opinion
  4. 4. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people
  5. 6. Ideas and points of debate around which candidates may develop policy. Issues are sometimes divided into those that concern domestic affairs with the United States, and those related to foreign policy
  6. 8. A schedule of planned actions and events leading to the election of the candidate
  7. 9. The occurrence of a shocking electoral victory in which one candidate's votes far surpass those of other candidates
  8. 13. Cycle The period before an election during which candidates raise money and seek voters' support