Campbell Jacque's Unit2vocab

  1. 3. Devices A specific convention of structure -such as imagery, irony, of foreshadowing.
  2. 4. A specific subject, idea, or issue presented in a written work.
  3. 6. Text Written works that are generally recognized for having artistic value.
  4. 7. choice The author use of perceived vocabulary.
  5. 8. The authors unique articulation or expression of language created by stylistic elements.
  6. 9. Language Language not intended to be taken literally.
  7. 11. A stage in the writing process when a texts mechanic's and grammar are being corrected.
  8. 13. In literature, the opposite of a person of the force that brings about dramatic action in the story.
  9. 15. The authors particular attitude in a written work.
  10. 16. Narrative A literary piece written in firs person that centers on a specific point ion the authors life.
  1. 1. Used buy the author to provide hints about what might happen further in the story.
  2. 2. The atmosphere or feeling a writer creates in a literary passage.
  3. 5. The way the an author constructs a character by stating parts of their backstory, ideology, physical fetchers, and personality.
  4. 10. The time and place in which a narrative occurs.
  5. 12. The central of universal idea of a written work.
  6. 14. The unique characteristics that describe an writer's unique us of language.
  7. 17. A stage in the writing process when a text is being examined and changes are made to improve the focus.