
  1. 3. Activity you do in a pool
  2. 4. Stay dry in this collapsible shelter
  3. 5. Store things in this sack on your back.
  4. 8. Use this zippered sackto sleep at night
  5. 9. Device you blow into if lost
  6. 11. Light your path with this tool.
  7. 13. What helps you travel on water with a paddle?
  1. 1. This instrument helps find North
  2. 2. Use this to catch fish
  3. 5. Structure used to cross over a river
  4. 6. A pile of wood that is burning
  5. 7. This keeps mosquitoes away
  6. 10. Activity when you walk in the woods
  7. 12. Tie this between two trees for a nap.