
  1. 2. Device you blow into if you are lost
  2. 6. What we eat with while camping, 2 words
  3. 8. Activity where you get into a pool
  4. 12. Used to cut large pieces of wood
  5. 13. Activity where people act out something at a campfire
  6. 14. Small Axe
  7. 15. Clothing that keeps you warm
  8. 17. Large bag used to carry your gear
  9. 19. Cooking pot that can be used to make cobbler, 2 words
  10. 21. What keeps us dry while camping
  11. 22. Used to cut rope, 2 words
  12. 24. Chemical that protects you from bugs, 2 words
  13. 26. Helps us see at night
  14. 28. Large piece of printed paper that helps us find where we are
  15. 29. Special shoes used when walking through the woods, 2 words
  1. 1. Flashlight that attaches to a band around your head
  2. 3. Lotion that protects you from the sun
  3. 4. Cooking grate used over open fire
  4. 5. Used to keep us dry when it rains
  5. 7. Large bag used to keep us warm while sleeping, 2 words
  6. 9. Activity where you are trying to catch food in a lake
  7. 10. Clothing that protects your head
  8. 11. Device that uses propane to cook with
  9. 13. Used to keep our tents in place
  10. 16. Burning wood at the end of the night
  11. 18. Shelter for your cooking area
  12. 20. Device used to find North
  13. 23. Black fuel used to cook with
  14. 25. Activity with a bow and arrow
  15. 27. Activity where you walk through the woods