Can You Solve A Crossword Puzzle?

  1. 1. Flying mammal
  2. 4. makes people sick
  3. 5. month after may
  4. 10. Has a trunk
  5. 11. country south of us
  6. 12. flies and has cape
  7. 13. us state that is island
  8. 14. superhero team
  9. 16. makes the best hoodies
  10. 18. called football outside us
  11. 20. what cows drink
  12. 21. what makes cars run
  1. 2. where you post dance video
  2. 3. president of us
  3. 6. you blink them
  4. 7. Likes to chase mice
  5. 8. korean music
  6. 9. state just east of california
  7. 15. central american country
  8. 17. Man's best friend
  9. 19. what you call curly hair