
  1. 1. To avoid inflation like WWI, the Canadian government raised this for revenue (2 words)
  2. 3. Battle that commenced as a result of “Operation Sea Lion” (three words)
  3. 5. Sector of economy that boomed from the war (2 words)
  4. 6. Allied trail run invasion of Europe in France (three words)
  5. 8. The Japanese committed terrible war crimes of the people at these sites (abbreviation + another word)
  6. 10. Struggled against British radars
  7. 11. “Great Purge” campaign to solidify this man’s power
  8. 13. Alliance of Germany, Italy, Japan
  9. 15. Referring to Hitler’s “Final Solution”
  10. 18. Caused by enlistment of workers in the forces and expansion of industry (2 words)
  11. 20. Hamburg was left in a firestorm from the attacks of this group (two words)
  12. 22. Issued by the government to prevent hording (2 words)
  13. 23. Defenders of a convoy
  14. 24. Second easternmost beach attacked on D-Day (two words)
  15. 25. Came with the demand for social reform in Canada for family members under 16 (2 words)
  16. 28. Sparked development of an early computer (two words)
  17. 31. Implemented despite government not considering them a security risk (two words)
  18. 33. Froze all ___ to prevent inflation in 1941
  19. 35. Controversy and public pressure surrounding the amendment of this legislation caused cabinet ministers in support to consider resigning together (abbreviation)
  20. 38. Men conscripted after the amendment of the NRMA
  21. 41. Promise by the Prime Minister that was broken (two words)
  22. 43. Nickname for what was mistaken to be weak by the Allies (two words)
  23. 44. Name people called C.D. Howe (3 words)
  24. 45. Overlord Battle carefully rehearsed in order to avoid a disaster like Dieppe (two words)
  25. 46. Canadian Government encouraged this group of people to immigrate here by paying for their voyage (2 words)
  1. 2. Alliance of Britain, France, Commonwealth Countries, and other nations
  2. 4. A slogan given to the newfound social security policy of Canada (3 words)
  3. 7. One of the benefits women received in Quebec from the war (two words)
  4. 9. Political figure arrested for refusing conscription and encouraging others to do the same (two words)
  5. 12. 1944; employers were forced to recognize these bodies (2 words)
  6. 14. A legislation that only invoked two times in Canadian history (three words)
  7. 16. “I don’t want to have them and I won’t have them”, said a Canadian commodore upon hearing they would be in his command
  8. 17. The reason why Canadians mined uranium during the war (two words)
  9. 19. Canada’s Rosie the Riveter (three words)
  10. 20. A name given to the day Hong Kong fell to the Japanese (two words)
  11. 21. Set up by Nazis to isolate those not “pure” (two words)
  12. 26. “Not necessarily conscription, but conscription if necessary” (two words)
  13. 27. A task Canadians were given when the Allies reached the Rhine River (three words)
  14. 29. Program established by Mackenzie King in hopes of avoiding conscription (abbreviation)
  15. 30. A “miracle” Allied evacuation
  16. 32. Created when the private sector was unable to produce what was needed (2 words)
  17. 34. A “miracle drug” of the war
  18. 36. Held to gather Canadians’ views on the issue of conscription
  19. 37. A form of investment during the war (2 words)
  20. 39. A man who’s ashes thrown into a river by the Soviet Army
  21. 40. Encountered hostility, especially from men in uniform, for their dress
  22. 42. A result of the Japanese Internment after the war