
  1. 3. sport equipment to protect your head
  2. 5. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 1998
  3. 6. a French-speaking province
  4. 7. several cultural or ethnic communities within a society
  5. 11. the man who gave Canada its name
  6. 12. a name community which meaning “eater of raw meat”
  7. 16. a hard rubber disc used in ice hockey
  8. 18. one of the smallest ethnic communities in Canada
  9. 19. the largest ethnic community in Canada
  10. 21. sport equipment used to protect your knees
  11. 22. a province between British Columbia and Saskatchewan
  12. 24. sport equipment to protect your hand and fingers
  1. 1. a place where the Summer Olympic games took place in 1976
  2. 2. a Canadian winter sport
  3. 4. a province in the south west of Canada
  4. 5. the man who founded Quebec
  5. 8. a province south of Nunavut
  6. 9. the second largest ethnic community in Canada
  7. 10. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 2010
  8. 13. the First Nations people
  9. 14. the capital city of Canada
  10. 15. the province where the capital city of Canada is
  11. 17. an ethnic community whose ancestor came to Canada to build railways
  12. 20. a Huron-Iroquois word which means village
  13. 23. a summer sport, the name means “little war”