Canada during WWII

  1. 2. As a result of increased production and employment during the war, King to used measures such as victory bonds and income taxes to prevent this
  2. 7. The Canadian capturing of an Italian medieval town: 3 wds.
  3. 10. After driving Germans out of the country, this liberation by Canadian soldiers hailed them as heroes: 4 wds.
  4. 12. The Japanese attack of Hong Kong that led to nearly all of the Canadian soldiers fighting there to be killed or taken prisoner as POW: 4 wds.
  5. 13. A nine-kilometer beach in France where Canadian troops landed on D-Day: 2 wds.
  6. 16. Canada contributed uranium to this American plan: 2 wds.
  7. 18. The demand of total war led to the Canada’s creation of this agency to co-ordinate domestic industry: 5 wds.
  8. 19. A German rocket with deadly effects
  9. 20. A section of the Royal Canadian Air Force that participated in air raids and bombings of Germany: 2 wds.
  10. 23. King held this on the conscription proposal, giving the Canadian people a voice (although non-binding)
  11. 25. Allies and Canadians drove the Germans out of the Netherlands and over the Rhine River in this battle: 4 wds.
  12. 26. After the war, agriculture was overtaken by manufacturing in Canadian economy, and the previous rural economy was now transformed to a(n) _______: 2 wds.
  13. 27. Young men who defied the conservation of clothing material
  14. 29. A Canadian government agency set up to prevent inflation by freezing all wages and prices: 5 wds.
  15. 31. Canadian government owned businesses and industries created for the efforts of total war: 2 wds.
  16. 32. The “Minister of Everything”: 2 wds.
  17. 34. Canada’s contribution to WWII helped in the development of Canadian ______, as well as gain civil rights for black, Aboriginal, and Asian soldiers and peoples
  18. 35. A WWI law installed during WWII that gave the government power over the economy and personal liberty over citizens: 3 wds.
  19. 37. The Allied battles to recapture Europe from the south through Sicily and Italy: 2 wds.
  20. 40. Canada’s stereotypical working woman, who was used as propaganda to change the public mind on women in the workforce: 5 wds.
  21. 41. A program of Canadian social assistance that begun Canada’s policy of “cradle to grave” social security: 3 wds.
  22. 43. Federal government officials given power to confiscate and sell Japanese Canadians’ property: 4 wds.
  23. 45. The mobilization of the entire nation’s resources for war, which lead to a boom in economy and the value of goods to rise in Canada: 2 wds.
  24. 46. This led to Mussolini’s downfall: 3 wds.
  1. 1. Small books issued to Canadians that contained removable stamps for certain rationed items: 2 wds.
  2. 3. The alliance that the Allies fought against in WWII: 2 wds.
  3. 4. A policy Prime Minister King undertook in the beginning of WWII to prevent Canada’s involvement with the war
  4. 5. “Operation Overlord”: Hyph.
  5. 6. Canadian men conscripted under the National Resources Mobilization Act
  6. 7. After a month of fighting, the Canadians cleared enemy troops from a river in Belgium during this battle: 3 wds.
  7. 8. This program registered women for work in factories, changing women’s profile in society and gaining them rights as workers: 4 wds.
  8. 9. A trial raid by the 2nd Canadian Division that led to heavy Canadian losses: 3 wds.
  9. 11. An electronic system using radio waves to detect objects beyond range of vision
  10. 14. Divided the nation and created Quebec dissatisfaction
  11. 15. Small, quick warships built in Canada to protect convoys during the Battle of Atlantic
  12. 17. An alliance between the countries fighting against Germany during WWII
  13. 21. Canadian corvettes contributed to this Allied victory: 4 wds.
  14. 22. A board established during WWII to coordinate wartime propaganda in Canada: 3 wds.
  15. 24. A ship of escaping Jewish people from Hamburg that were denied entry to Canada: 2 wds.
  16. 28. A major political change in Quebec that resulted from WWII
  17. 30. The Canadian navy during WWII
  18. 33. An act that amended the authorization of conscription for home defence in Canada and allowed the government to have nation-wide control
  19. 36. The Canadian air force during WWII
  20. 37. The forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Canadians due to anti-Japanese sentiment: 2 wds.
  21. 38. This discrimination during the 1930s in Canada influenced the immigration policy
  22. 39. Canadian women who served in the navy, working as wireless operators, coders, drivers, and operational plotters
  23. 42. Foreign women married to Canadian soldiers overseas that immigrated to Canada after WWII and loosened Canada’s immigration restrictions: 2 wds.
  24. 44. A Canadian program that produced one-half of the Commonwealth aircrew