Canada WW2
- 2. a holiday on March 8th after the war was won in Europe
- 3. the beach man Canadian forces landed on in the battle that turn the tide of the war
- 6. the material Canada agreed to give to the U.S
- 8. the continued battle against Germans in Italian territory
- 10. the bomb that was created by the U.s and dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
- 12. the mine that the Canadian government bought to provide uranium
- 13. the raid that was used as a learning experience through the death of many soldiers
- 14. the territory that Canadian soldiers liberated in Germany
- 15. the mission given to Canadian troops to clear enemy troops from this river
- 1. the name given to the operation launched on the coast of Normandy
- 4. the code name given to the D-day mission
- 5. the codename for the project that led to the bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima
- 7. the location of the mine in the Northwest territories
- 9. the country Canadian soldiers liberated
- 11. the battle in Italy that led to Mussolini's downfall in Italy