
  1. 2. an animal symbol of Canada
  2. 4. a leaf on Canada's flag
  3. 5. a city with majestic landscapes situated between the Coast Mountains and the Pacific Ocean
  4. 8. the largest city
  5. 9. the tallest free-standing structure in the western hemisphere(Toronto)
  6. 10. The Canada's side of Niagara Falls
  7. 11. the largest and most famous alpine ski destination in North America
  8. 13. world’s largest ice skating ring (Ottawa)
  1. 1. a city of French heritage, architecture, cuisine and language
  2. 3. the Queen's representative, who carries out royal duties in Canada
  3. 4. the second largest city in Canada, and the largest French-speaking community outside of Paris
  4. 6. the capital city
  5. 7. one of the nation’s largest and most visited national parks
  6. 12. the Eskimos prefer to be called this way
  7. 14. a building made of blocks of ice