Canine Health Concerns

  1. 5. Bacterial disease that is spread by the ingestion of contaminated feces
  2. 6. Non-infectious disease that causes cloudy, white eyes
  3. 8. Internal parasite that can be transmitted by mother to puppies
  4. 9. Internal, bloodsucking parasite that attaches to the intestinal wall
  5. 10. Largest internal parasite to affect dogs
  6. 12. Internal parasite that has a long, thin tail used to attach to the lower digestive tract
  7. 13. Bacterial disease that spreads through breeding
  1. 1. Viral disease that affects mostly puppies
  2. 2. Respiratory disease that causes the dog to have a hacking cough
  3. 3. Disease caused by inhalation of airborne virus that can be fatal
  4. 4. Fungal infection that affects the respiratory system
  5. 7. Non-infectious degenerative joint disease that affects older and larger dogs
  6. 8. Viral disease that attacks the central nervous system
  7. 11. Fungal infection that causes a red, scaly patch of skin