Capítulo 5 ESII: Mi rutina diaria

  1. 2. to lay down/go to bed
  2. 4. towel: la ___
  3. 6. rag/washcloth: el__
  4. 8. shower: la ____
  5. 9. comb: el ___
  6. 11. to wake up
  7. 13. to get dressed
  8. 14. brush: el __
  9. 19. to shave
  10. 20. face: la ___
  11. 22. hands: las ____
  12. 23. to comb one's hair
  13. 24. to take a shower
  14. 25. to dry one's self off
  1. 1. sink: el __
  2. 3. to brush one's self
  3. 5. to wash
  4. 7. to get/stand up
  5. 8. to fall asleep
  6. 10. mirror: el ____
  7. 12. teeth: los ____
  8. 15. to wash one's self
  9. 16. shampoo: el__
  10. 17. soap: el____
  11. 18. to take a bath
  12. 21. to clean