Carbohydrates Are Delicious

  1. 2. A disaccharide containing 2 molecules of glucose
  2. 5. The conversion of glucose into 3-carbon molecules
  3. 7. Hormone that promotes glycogenolysis, lipolysis and gluconeogenesis
  4. 11. Method principle for glucose that involves the conversion of H2O2 to H2O and an oxidized chromogen
  5. 12. The ability to create glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
  6. 13. A metabolic disorder marked by hyperglycemia, either due to lack of insulin or insulin resistance.
  7. 14. The classification of diabetes with insidious onset
  8. 15. Method principle for glucose where NAD+ is reduced to NADH and read at 340nm. Increase in absorbance
  1. 1. The preferred sample type for glucose determination, reference range is 65-99 mg/dL
  2. 3. The classification of diabetes associated with autoimmune destruction of beta cells
  3. 4. Measurement of glucose over a 2 hour span after consuming a measured amount of glucose is also known as the _____ _____ Test
  4. 6. The disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose molecules
  5. 8. The type of hemoglobin that has glucose bound to it
  6. 9. <=40 mg/dL and >= 500 mg/dL are considered ______values for glucose
  7. 10. Hormone that promotes glycogenesis, glycolysis and lipogenesis