Cardiac Crossword

  1. 6. Implants an aortic valve.
  2. 7. Takes a recording of pressures within the heart and lungs.
  3. 8. Opens a stiffened valve using a balloon.
  4. 10. Chemically 'unpicks' a clot to restore blood flow in an artery.
  5. 14. Finds aberrant issues in the conduction system.
  6. 16. Looks at the patency of blood vessels.
  7. 17. Planned shock that attempts to restore normal cardiac conduction.
  8. 18. Opens the internal lumen of an artery using a mesh structure.
  1. 1. Implantable short term cardiac conduction surveillance.
  2. 2. 24hour, at home, wearable cardiac conduction monitor.
  3. 3. Repairs or strengthens the valve shape.
  4. 4. Samples small sections of myocardium to test for rejection.
  5. 5. Looks at cardiac structures, valve movement and muscle capacity.
  6. 9. Implanted cardiac conduction and fatal arrhythmia surveillance and safety net.
  7. 11. Reduces the mitral valve opening.
  8. 12. Shows best view of cardiac structures, valve movement and muscle capacity.
  9. 13. Provides a new pathway for coronary blood supply past an area of blockage.
  10. 15. Implanted cardiac conduction surveillance and safety net.