Cardiac Pharmacology

  1. 2. Dopamine D1 agonist used in hypertensive emergency
  2. 4. Irreversible non-selective alpha blocker
  3. 7. the "disco party" of sodium channel blockage with some K+ blocking effects
  4. 11. Nonselective alpha beta blocker used for hypertensive urgency
  5. 15. used for refractory angina
  6. 17. partial beta agonist to be cautious using to treat angina
  7. 21. Bile acid resin that may cause GI upset
  8. 23. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
  9. 25. Class III anti arrhythmic that may cause torsades de pointes with excessive beta blockade
  10. 27. Strong Na+ blockade with minimal effect on AP duration (Phone)
  11. 28. Class III anti arrhythmic that may cause torsades de pointes
  12. 29. Increases potassium out of cells causing hyper polarization decreasing AV node conduction to terminate SVT
  13. 32. short acting vasodilator associated with cyanide toxicity (reverse with amyl nitrite)
  14. 34. Beta 1 = Beta 2
  15. 35. classic dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker used for hypertension
  16. 37. nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker with some features of dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers
  17. 38. treatment for familial hypertriglyceridemia, activates PPAR-alpha
  18. 39. nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker associated with hyperprolactinemia
  19. 40. Non-selective Muscarinic Antagonist found in Jimson Weed
  1. 1. "proclaiming" sodium channel blockage with some K+ blocking effects
  2. 3. Alpha 1 > Alpha 2 > Beta 1
  3. 5. Beta > Alpha; use for anaphylaxis
  4. 6. increases cGMP to vasodilate arteries and is safe in pregnancy
  5. 8. Selective beta 1 blocker that can cause dyslipidemia
  6. 9. Strong Na+ blockade with minimal effect on AP duration (Flakes)
  7. 10. PCSK9 inhibitor
  8. 12. Alpha 1 > Alpha 2
  9. 13. 1st-dose orthostatic hypotension that can treat hypertension
  10. 14. Decreases AP duration and is used post-MI. Also an anesthetic
  11. 16. dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker used in hypertensive urgency or emergency
  12. 18. Cardiac Glycoside associated with xanthopsia
  13. 19. exhibits "Monday Disease" and tolerance
  14. 20. reduces hepatic VLDL synthesis
  15. 22. increases cGMP via phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition (do not combine with nitrates)
  16. 24. prolongs phase IV depolarization by inhibiting "funny" sodium channels
  17. 26. effective in torsades de pointes treatment
  18. 30. prevents cholesterol absorption at small intestine brush border
  19. 31. Decreases AP duration and is used post-MI (Mexican Tacos mnemonic in FA)
  20. 33. Alpha 2 agonist that can treat ADHD & Tourette Syndrome
  21. 36. the "queen" of sodium channel blockage with some K+ blocking effects
  22. 37. Beta 1 > Beta 2, Alpha