Cardiology Puzzle (Hint some terms need a Hyphen!)

  1. 3. normal, steady rhythm
  2. 6. Signal booster
  3. 9. heart muscle is relaxed and all chambers are full of blood
  4. 12. muscle relaxation
  5. 13. "pump" failure
  6. 14. blood from lungs to tissues
  7. 15. pacemaker
  8. 17. heart muscle contraction wave beginning at atria
  9. 19. free fluid accumulated in pleural and or abdominal cavity
  10. 20. swishing sound heard on auscultation
  1. 1. ventricles contract
  2. 2. slow heart
  3. 4. abnormal rhythm
  4. 5. fast heart
  5. 7. blood from tissues to lungs
  6. 8. Atria contract
  7. 10. no contraction
  8. 11. fluid accumulates in the lungs
  9. 16. chambers of the heart
  10. 18. Inadequate circulating fluid volume